Who’s got time to type?! Not you!
Earwonk is an audio based social media platform that allows you to quickly and easily record an audio clip and post it on your timeline feed.
We call these audio posts ‘wonks’ and they’re limited to 30 seconds in duration.
You can give each wonk a title and add hashtags, but you don’t have to.
The wonderful Users on the platform (who we call ‘Wonkers’) can follow each other, post hashtags, get verified, repost someone else’s content (a ‘rewonk’) or reply to an existing post with their own audio clip.
When a post rececives a certain amount of likes or reposts, the waveform changes colour.
So, what are you waiting for. Get your wonk on!
If you’d like to help make Earwonk a huge success or you’d like to advertise on our platform, please get in touch by direct messaging the @earwonk account.